Future Assyrian – Isaiah 10

Future Assyrian – Isaiah 10 – Historical Evil Revived

Colored photograph of stone relief showing ancient Assyrian deity. This is a humanoid with wings and eagle's head. Future Assyrian - Isaiah 10.

One of the names for the Antichrist is “the Assyrian”, but he is the future Assyrian. There are a number of influential world leaders today who come from the area of that ancient empire known as Assyria.

Is the prophecy of a type of person or of the racial origin of the Antichrist? There are two strong leaders today who just might fit these descriptions.

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“Rumors of Wars” Matthew 24:6 – Gas Or Fog of War?

Rumors of Wars: United States Strikes Syria – Again!

Color photograph of a U.S. warship firing a Tomahawk cruise missile at night. Bridge of warship is gray, silhouetted by white yellow exhaust of missile. Rumors of wars.

Just when it looked like President Trump was pulling U.S. forces out of the nation of Syria, he ordered another missile strike there – “rumors of wars”? Western nations accused President al Assad of a chemical weapons attack, but Russia said it was a fake. The Saudis were talking about sending troops.

Is all of this just co-incidence or is there a motive behind all these “rumors of wars”, all these conflicting statements and actions?

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