Merkel Rejected – Kurz Elected – The willful king expected

Political Turmoil Before the Willful King – Daniel 11 : 36

3 Panels Side by Side. 1. Colored photograph of Angela Merkel with the word "Rejected" across it. 2. Colored photograph of Sebastian Kurz, with the word "Elected" across it. 3. Colored photograph of a white horse's head representing the willful king "rider of the white horse" from Revelation 6 : 2

Angela Merkel received a voter backlash in Germany and Austria elected Europe’s youngest ever leader, Sebastian Kurz. Many people are happy, but, in reality, there is much political turmoil and disunity. This all points to a vacuum that will be filled by a coming strong ruler, the rider of the white horse, the willful king (Daniel 11:36).

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God’s Final Warning?

God’s Final Warning? – Trump At The U.N.

Could this speech really be God’s final warning?
The address delivered by President Trump at the United Nations certainly had the content of a divine warning.

Colored photograph of President Donald Trump giving a speech with right hand raised. Below are 3 identical pictures of the United Nations General Assembly lectern. This is gold in color with the United Nations symbol on it.

As I have discussed previously, the Lord does not need to use only the saved to bring about His will.

Whether the President is a genuine believer or just respectful of American Christian values, he has been moved to speak.

I believe this because of two of the main points that President Trump made in his speech and the venue where he chose to argue them.

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What is a Globalist?

What, or better still, who, is a Globalist?

A play showing the current American president murdered; politicians and organizations calling for violence – why?

Revolutions like the French, Russian, Chinese, etc, have been funded and planned by outside vested interests.

The vested interests today are globalistA colored photograph of a pair of hands painted blue with a map of the world painted over some of the fingers and part of the palms.The word

– financiers, politicians and academics – and the most prominent target today is Donald Trump, a nationalist.

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Rapture Rap. Is the Rapture a Good Thing?

Is the Rapture a good thing? If you really , I mean, really understand the state of the world today, you would be hoping that there is a way out. Politically and technologically, there is no way out because the Tribulation is about God’s demand for holiness in His Universe.

After the Lord closes the Church Age, He will send judgments on the earth for 7 years. But the members of Christ’s Church, having been forgiven, will escape God’s wrath.A colored illustration representing the Lord Jesus Christ descending from Heaven and believers being caught up in the clouds. Is the Rapture a good thing?

Is the Rapture a good thing? There’s a rescue plan because the Church is not appointed to wrath and that’s a really good thing!

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