The Trump Reprieve – How Long? Isaiah 45:1

The Trump Reprieve – Peaked?

9-square grid with 3 identical colored photographs of President Trump in the middle row . Top row has colored photographs of Xi Jinping, Angela Merkl, Vladimir Putin. Bottom row has colored photographs of Ayatollah Khamenei,Kim Jong Un,Justin Trudeau. Trump Reprieve.With great victories domestically and internationally, the Trump reprieve has the globalists reeling. President Trump has breathed life into the terminally ill United States’ economy and his North Korea diplomacy has been truly stupendous. But what might bring the Trump reprieve to a halt sooner, other than actual assassination (which is still possible) is the globalist influence that permeates the world. So, do we see the Trump effect as a lasting victory or as a reprieve from God?

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A “Burdensome Stone” – Zechariah 12. Trump Recognizes Jerusalem!

A “Burdensome Stone” – To a Sinful World

Colored photograph of the city of Jerusalem, looking across the Temple Mount to the modern skyline. "Burdensome stone".

United States President, Donald Trump, is contributing to the fulfillment of the “burdensome stone” prophecy in Zechariah 12:3, having made good his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the historic capital of Israel. In announcing this, President Trump has countered the Islamic revisionist claims (falsifying history) and made a clear stand against Islamic political attempts to gain global dominance.

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Rapture Rap. Is the Rapture a Good Thing?

Is the Rapture a good thing? If you really , I mean, really understand the state of the world today, you would be hoping that there is a way out. Politically and technologically, there is no way out because the Tribulation is about God’s demand for holiness in His Universe.

After the Lord closes the Church Age, He will send judgments on the earth for 7 years. But the members of Christ’s Church, having been forgiven, will escape God’s wrath.A colored illustration representing the Lord Jesus Christ descending from Heaven and believers being caught up in the clouds. Is the Rapture a good thing?

Is the Rapture a good thing? There’s a rescue plan because the Church is not appointed to wrath and that’s a really good thing!

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