Israel Embraces NATO – Next Step A Covenant? Daniel 9

Israel Embraces NATO

Colored photographs of a tattered Israeli flag flying in front of old stone battlement and of a round-table meeting with a royal blue carpet in the middle, embossed with the NATO star. Israel embraces NATO.
In a move designed to counter Iranian aggression, Israel embraces NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) by opening a permanent office with the treaty organization. NATO is a European alliance from Cold War days. This alliance is based on mutual defense of member states against any attack.

However, it is another European unity treaty, and hence brings Israel into a closer relationship with Europe. Attempting to protect herself, Israel associates herself with the power that will soon be her deadliest enemy.

Israel Embraces NATO – Danger by Degrees

Large highly glazed office building with a curved roof, simulating a finger. Green trees in the foreground.  Israel embraces NATO.
Room for Israel in the massive new NATO headquarters – one of eight wings.

With the end of the U.S.S.R. (Communist Russia), NATO has become less a military alliance and more a tool of the globalists. With their forces under a European command, European nations lose a large amount of political control. European nations have even been used in wars for profit through the organization.

Along with the United States opening its first military base in Israel, the little nation hopes that these alliances will support her against growing Iranian aggression and Russian influence.

Israel Embraces NATO – Wishful Thinking?

Two workmen in fluorescent green vests prepare to move rusty steel NATO sculpture to new NATO headquarters. Israel embraces NATO
Oh look, they even moved the demonic looking sculpture!

However, even in the short term, it does not look good.

With the great influx of Muslim immigration, European governments will be pressured not to support Israel. The U.S. Obama administration’s brokered 2016 non-nuclear weapons agreement with Iran has not silenced the Ayatollah’s threats in the least, but Europe turns a blind eye to the threat.

With the dropping of sanctions and lucrative deals for European corporations on offer, Europe showed it would deal with Hitler himself if the price was right!

Daily, Europe becomes increasingly anti-Semitic and is desperate for wealth at any cost.

The Future Security Covenant

The Bible is clear that a new and powerful European leader, called the Antichrist or the beast, will make a military covenant with Israel for seven years. In the middle of that seven years, perhaps using the Gog-Magog (Russia) attack as a pretext, he will break his covenant. From then on, he will reign from the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, with the false prophet, until destroyed by the returning Messiah Himself.

And it all starts with Israel making a military alliance with Europe – Israel embraces NATO.

Assembled military commanders in khaki and navy uniforms walking away from the NATO Star rusted steel sculpture. Israel embraces NATO
Is the sculpture too evil even for this tough general?

What About Your Covenant?

So are you serving in response to your personal covenant with Christ? I’ve heard some bad teaching (especially for these last days) about Christ being your Savior first, then, only later, your Lord. Christ can only be your Savior because He is Lord of all.

You may not be as mindful of this if you are a new believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, but that does not change the fact.Colored simulation of a young man in a black baseball cap exposing light as he digs with a shovel into a huge Bible. Stack of enormous books in the background. Israel embraces NATO. If you read His Word daily and study the prophetic texts that I quote from as well, the Lord can equip you for service in these end times.
So, if you greatly desire to serve your Lord effectively
– He doesn’t force anyone – that’s the place to start.

Pastor Aaron, Prophecy for Youth

Image Credits

1.Israeli flag by David Shankbone (own work), via Wikimedia Commons
2.NATO Headquarters – on Flickr
3.NATO Star sculpture – on Flickr
4.NATO Military Committee chiefs of staff meeting DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen

Pastor Aaron, @YouthProphecy

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