Why form a spiritual battle group?
There are far too many evil wars for profit, so let’s all get involved in a spiritual battle group and “fight the good fight”!
For a Christian, nothing is more exciting than helping to bring a person to salvation. In God’s strength, we can help others throw off the binds of death in sin under Satan’s grip.
Now we know that the gospel is the focal point of the attack, we need to gather our forces and , especially in our youth,
make war continuously for the souls of the lost.
How to form a spiritual battle group.

To do this well, we need to be disciplined for spiritual battle and organize the forces that the Lord has given us. We also need to cultivate a love for the lost by being close to our Savior.
I call this forming a ‘spiritual battle group‘ and, if you are committed, you will always look back on this time with great joy. The New Testament often uses the example of soldiers in battle, and it makes perfect sense as there are objectives to take and an enemy to resist.
The Christian is part of the ground forces in this spiritual battle – foot soldiers, tanks, mobile troops, light and heavy artillery. The foot soldiers, as vessels of the Holy Spirit, hold spiritual territory, fight by keeping the Word of God and by following the Lord’s orders. When on a mission there must be at least two. They can support others and themselves when on operations, using their ‘light artillery’ or prayer.

The evangelists are the tanks in the spiritual battle group. They can more easily make a breakthrough. They do need mobile troops though, at least one soldier with them and also artillery support.
How to get support for your spiritual battle group.
Artillery needs to be organized before and during a spiritual battle. A ‘softening up’ bombardment at a weekly prayer meeting and a ‘creeping barrage’ before and during your mission.
Then there is heavy artillery for your spiritual battle group. This means getting the rest of your church congregation involved to pray, especially those with that extra blessing of faith.
Give your spiritual battle group a name. Name it after your pastor to give him honor, as he is your commander and will be greatly encouraged when you tell him you want to be so committed.
Make sure you have his blessing to form a spiritual battle group and he can then help you to identify the evangelists among you. If there is no evangelist, your pastor can show you how to practice role playing in sharing the gospel. Most of us do the work of evangelists at some time.(2 Timothy 4:5)
Find a special time to meet weekly to plan and pray. Ask the Lord to reveal opportunities, and consider whom you could battle for in your particular community.
Ignore things that you find on the Net like claiming suburbs, etc, as it is not biblical. The Lord permits Satan and his armies to exist while He takes a people for Himself from the world.
“But, Pastor Aaron,” you say,”what about ‘air power’ for our spiritual battle group? Modern warfare always has an air force.”
Ah, the Lord and his angels are our ‘air cover’. We need to repeatedly use our artillery – prayer – but the Lord and His forces are always present above His Saints.
Pastor Aaron, Prophecy for Youth