200 million horsemen – Revelation 9 – A cloned army?

God-hating Science

Colored photograph of row upon row of robotic and precise Chinese soldiers of identical height in dark green uniform with gold stripes, white gloves and peaked caps and assault rifles with polished bayonets. 200 million horsemen.China has successfully cloned a pair of macaque monkeys. It states that these are only a possible source for medical research animals. But could these experiments lead to the creation of 200 million horsemen or mobile troops?

Monkeys are used in human disease research, but a cloned army is an obvious future application of the science. Primates to humans is a logical progression of the technology that produced the cloned sheep, Dolly, in the early 2000’s.

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A “Burdensome Stone” – Zechariah 12. Trump Recognizes Jerusalem!

A “Burdensome Stone” – To a Sinful World

Colored photograph of the city of Jerusalem, looking across the Temple Mount to the modern skyline. "Burdensome stone".

United States President, Donald Trump, is contributing to the fulfillment of the “burdensome stone” prophecy in Zechariah 12:3, having made good his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the historic capital of Israel. In announcing this, President Trump has countered the Islamic revisionist claims (falsifying history) and made a clear stand against Islamic political attempts to gain global dominance.

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Israel Embraces NATO – Next Step A Covenant? Daniel 9

Israel Embraces NATO

Colored photographs of a tattered Israeli flag flying in front of old stone battlement and of a round-table meeting with a royal blue carpet in the middle, embossed with the NATO star. Israel embraces NATO.
In a move designed to counter Iranian aggression, Israel embraces NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) by opening a permanent office with the treaty organization. NATO is a European alliance from Cold War days. This alliance is based on mutual defense of member states against any attack.

However, it is another European unity treaty, and hence brings Israel into a closer relationship with Europe. Attempting to protect herself, Israel associates herself with the power that will soon be her deadliest enemy.

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Merkel Rejected – Kurz Elected – The willful king expected

Political Turmoil Before the Willful King – Daniel 11 : 36

3 Panels Side by Side. 1. Colored photograph of Angela Merkel with the word "Rejected" across it. 2. Colored photograph of Sebastian Kurz, with the word "Elected" across it. 3. Colored photograph of a white horse's head representing the willful king "rider of the white horse" from Revelation 6 : 2

Angela Merkel received a voter backlash in Germany and Austria elected Europe’s youngest ever leader, Sebastian Kurz. Many people are happy, but, in reality, there is much political turmoil and disunity. This all points to a vacuum that will be filled by a coming strong ruler, the rider of the white horse, the willful king (Daniel 11:36).

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